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Ready to Learn and Play is an evidence-based program backed by current research in the areas of cognitive science, behavioral psychology, neuroeducation, and occupational therapy literature and practice. 

Published in the Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, the article "Impact of the Ready to Learn and Play framework on occupational performance for students with autism in the school setting: A pilot study" illustrates the efficacy of the Ready to Learn and Play framework as an evidence-based intervention. For more information the article can be accessed below:




As featured on The Sensory Motor Classroom : Sharing OT with Teachers 

-Specialized interview with Ready to Learn and Play co-founder Dr. Janis Leinfuss



Accepted by experts in the field of OT to present a short course at the Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists 15th Biennial Scientific Conference on how to support inclusion through the implementation of evidence-based practice. Themes identified through research and incorporated in the Ready to Learn and Play framework design were highlighted. 

Sharing knowledge and educating others on the benefits of Ready to Learn and Play at AOTA Children and Youth Specialty Conference. Information presented, "Facilitating Sensory Regulation for Individuals with ASD using Evidence-based Practices" highlighted information gained from the pilot research study as well as preliminary data from two follow up studies. 


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The next step on Ready to Learn and Play's journey was AOTA's INSPIRE national conference in the spring of 2022. We presented the role of Ready to Learn and Play in "Facilitating Occupational Performance through Sensory Regulation for Students with ASD Using Evidence-based Practices". 

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The Ready to Learn and Play team connected with Brian Keene, founder of Pure Hearts Therapy, for a featured episode on his Autism Family Toolkit podcast. This podcast aims to provide actionable supports for families to assist their neurodiverse loved ones in everyday life. Click on the link below to listen for a more detailed description of how Ready to Learn and Play can help individuals create a sensory regulation lifestyle.


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